Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How to reject one's job application by email

收集我在應徵學術性工作時所收到的拒絕信,當然這不包括了所有我收到的拒絕信 T^T


"On behalf of our President Professor OOO and all members of the Faculty Recruitment Committee I would like to thank you for sending us the documentation on your background and your interest in OOO. We highly appreciated the documents you have sent, and also the obvious investment you made in a very thorough preparation.

We have now carefully reviewed a very large number of applications for faculty positions and regret to inform you that we do not intend to pursue your application further. This is largely a question of perceived fit with the School’s needs rather than a question of your particular background or qualifications – both of which are very strong.

We would like to thank you again sincerely for your interest in esmt as well as for your patience, and wish you the very best for the future."


"The search committee has now very carefully studied all applications, and we have come to the conclusion that we will not continue this procedure with you. Please be aware that we received many very high quality applications this year, so we have decided to concentrate on those candidates that display the best fit with our department's needs. Therefore this decision does not indicate that we do not appreciate your qualifications."


"I acknowledge receipt of your formal application for the above position, and advise that the Selection Committee met recently to shortlist candidates for interview. I regret to advise that you were not successful in reaching this shortlist.On behalf of the Committee may I take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in the advertised position."


"With respect to your case, the committee members were impressed with your candidacy, but others expressed some reservations about it. In our recruitment process, we seek consensus in the recruiting committee before moving ahead with any offers for a campus visit to OOO. Regrettably, we were unable to obtain this consensus in the case of your candidacy, which means we will be unable to invite you for a campus visit.If you would like to discuss this decision of ours in more detail, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, either by phone or email."


First of all let me thank you for your application to OOOOOO. We analyzed with great interest your cv and associated information that you sent us and we were very impressed by the quality of your application.
However, considering our objectives in terms of more specific areas of research and teaching and the global evaluation of all applications that we received, we will not continue with your application in our recruiting process.
I would like to thank you the time and effort that you spend in this process and I hope that in a near future we will have the opportunity to explore the possibility of establishing a relationship with you.

Thank you for your recent application to the Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales (IMDEA Ciencias Sociales). We received over 200 applications and the average level of applicants was extremely high. Although at this point we regret to inform you that we will not be offering you a position, we wish to emphasize, apart from the two reasons just stated, other considerations that have played an important role in our current hiring decision and that we explain below.
The Board of Patrons of IMDEA Ciencias Sociales instructed a hiring commission with a set of clear criteria, which included the following:
(i) To give priority to senior over junior appointments, on the idea of "jumpstarting" the Institute with clearly identifiable names;
(ii) To give priority to applications from abroad, over applications coming from the rest of Communities in Spain, over applications coming from Madrid itself. This is meant to implement one of the main goals of IMDEA, namely, to increase the number of researchers in the Madrid Autonomous Community; and
(iii) To give priority to permanent over visiting appointments. Again, this follows the idea of getting started with a set of researchers that will clearly identify themselves with the Institute.
On the other hand, we view these guidelines as part of the preliminary stages of the Institute, and we anticipate that priorities, as happens in any academic institution, will change over time. First, it is our intention to continue to be active in the senior market, and to participate in the international junior job market. We shall follow the standard procedures there and will invite junior applications. Second, one important aspect of IMDEA will be its collaboration with the other academic institutions in Madrid. In particular, we are already working on the exploration of channels through which researchers affiliated with the different universities in Madrid will be able to also collaborate with IMDEA. Finally, once a core of permanent faculty is achieved, we anticipate having an active program of visitors.
Once again, we thank you for your application and look forward to being part of an active research environment in Madrid.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


早在十幾歲的時候 就看了收錄在遠流所出的一套歷史叢書(就是封面有黃紅等顏色搭配的那套)當中一本由安岡正篤所寫的書

說他是思想家或哲學家? 好像也不太像 因為它所提的很多東西 其實都是中國古老的歷史經典 或著從把他當作一個鼓吹人們要修身養性的長者吧

今天買了"安岡正篤一日一言" 也算是一種對自己的提醒吧 雖然我只能看得懂漢字和有限的日文

其實裡面很多想法的出發點 不外乎以儒家思想為基礎 當然 我會自動跳過一些 從現代眼光看起來其實是比較偏頗的說法(主要是在女性角色的部份)

當然 裡面也有些想法 或許過於理想化 但是至少可以當成自己面對人生和磨難時 修身的參考了

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


可能是因為剛好事件發生的時候 人都在日本 加上本身對這種問題都比較會多看兩眼 所以覺得有必要把日本處理違反學術倫理事件的作法 稍微紀錄

除了論文內容的抄襲之外 在日本最近出現的所謂的"研究活動的不正行為" 主要包括有經費報銷和資料造假的問題

事實上 在日本這種相對重視層級關係的社會環境(雖然已經逐漸式微) 研究室裡面的輩分和倫理關係 往好的方面發展是可以對後進產生相當程度的引導作用 反之 就會成為變相的腦力壓榨了

雖然 日本的高等教育體系當中 研究室和講座的概念 應該也是源自於歐洲 而且也即將廢止 但是我覺得這個概念如果能妥善經營的話 在整個研究室的風氣走向沒有朝向僵固化之前 會對研究成果的累積和分享 有一定的加分作用 只是在僵固化和彈性之間的拿捏取捨 就是一門藝術了 :]


文部科學省, 研究活動の不正行為への対応のガイドラインについ

Friday, November 17, 2006

Steve Jobs的演講

嗯 這篇演講稿的內容 應該算是一年前的當時的話題新聞了 不過即使現在回過頭來看 整篇講稿的內容還是很有意義的

從成長經驗 創業的成功與失敗 談到生老病死

雖然 運氣和機會 還是所有成功人士本身也很難說的準的東西 但是 至少這篇講稿還是強調一些讓人在灰心沮喪的時候 還可以對自己保持些許期待和希望的元素

早年的生活經驗看似艱苦 壓抑 但是這些經驗和自己日後發展的關連性卻是緊密的可怕

成功的光環和失敗的打擊 能夠對自己在人生方向上能有多少啟發 卻又是因人而異的 畢竟不是每個人都擁有相同的機會 除了我們只能一在反覆地安慰自己或別人 be ready for yourself


"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

這一整段 其實就是在告訴人們不要活在別人替你定義的人生 說實話 這還真的不容易
因為就算你自己定義的是某種形式的人生 總是有人會從不同的角度來把你看作是另外一種他們眼中所認知的形象和角色 而且在追尋自己所定義的人生之前 總不免要遭到旁人眼光的指點和質疑 光是承受這份質疑和跳脫別人認為你所應該扮演的角色 就不知道要有多大的勇氣

然而 這過程中的承擔和異樣眼光 或許就是每個人在選擇自己道路時 所必經的過程

回頭想想 自己想擁有怎樣的人生經驗 或許清楚 即使未必能有這樣或那樣的機緣和運氣 但是這一路上的摸索和學習 或許就是人生這一遭最大的收穫了


'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says, Stanford Report, June 14, 2005

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Strategy as Distributed Phronesis

I just heard Professor Nonaka's presentation about "strategy- as-distributed phronesis" at JAIST Forum 2006.

Because this work is still working in progress, there is no particular hard-copy or electronic file for further dissemination yet, except one Japanese article published in Hitotsubashi Business Review (Nonaka & Toyama, 2005)

I came up following ideas through the presentation as follows. I believe some omissions were made incidentally, while other conceptual discussions may interest for developing this potential master piece. (The page number mentioned is corresponding to the number appeared in the handout)
1.In the second slide, the description about "Evolutionary Economics" may mislead, the description is more like bounded rationality, rather than evolutionary economic, even that may similar as path dependence that proposed in the filed of evolutionary economics. I wounder a description about evolutionary process of organization routines under the consideration of path dependence, may be an more proper statement or other one may refer from Nelson and Winter (1982).

2. While we mentioned about phronesis, it is more like focus on the individual or a group of top executive, unless the ideas of strategy as the distributed phronesis solely focus on the leadership at the top executive, one inevitable inquiry would be how to transfer or spread that kind of practical wisdom to others with and beyond the organizational boundary.
If one only looks at the case of 7-11 Japan, it's more likely imply so called phronesis is capable to be found or presented at the front line and shop floor, but most content of the presentation put more concentration at how those company leader or founder think, that may confuse the applicability of "strategy as the distributed phronesis

3. On Page 4, it mentioned phronesis "can acquire only through high quality direct experience", a following inquiry one may ask would be "how to identify or just which kind of experience are capable to treat as high quality" and how to gain/access them? Apparently these two questions could be the following work for one expect to develop the phroneis based view.

4. On page 10, it mentioned to use language/concepts/ narratives, could it's possible to be any hand on experience or effective routines to do that? or the phronesis based view just discern these differences but focus on more qualitative approaches?

5. On page 12, only timing and emotion have put into consider for making political judgment, may it miss the idea of political dependence between one making the judgment and those may be affected by that judgment? or one may doubt that could judgment maker ignore the power / political dependence among others for making that judgment?6. On page 19, co-creation may more close to the real world rather than creation, if we consider the context of service delivery process, or case of 7-11.


I found the the presenation material has prsented at Executive Academy, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Austria on October 12, 2006. Those who may interest his presentation can try to access:


Nonaka, I. & Toyama, R. 2005. Strategy-as phronesis. Hitotsubashi Business Review, Winter, 88-103. (In Japanese)

Nelson, R. R., & Winter, S. G. 1982. An evolutionary theory of economic change. MA: The Belknap of Harvard University Press.

ps. Concurrent release at

Saturday, November 11, 2006


從嚴格的角度來講 這只是一張退休老先生的名片 一個名譽教授的頭銜 或許也不能反映他退休前的成就

要是沒有他當初成立 知識科學研究科 可能我連念博士學位的機會都沒有吧? 事實上 雖然入學的時候 他已經離開JAIST了 但是還是有很多人似乎是衝著他是這個研究科成立者的名號 慕名而來的吧

如果不是在唸碩士的時候 老師還拿著他和竹內弘高合寫的那本The Knowledge Creating Company或許我祇會在學術期刊上看過他的文章而已

如果不是五年前 在台北的日本教育展 看到海報上寫著他的大名 我大概也只能從paper的閱讀上 知道 JAIST 這個學校 而沒有機會成為JAIST裡面第一個唸知識科學博士班的台灣學生吧

當然 在我入學之前 也早已知道他離開JAIST 回到一橋大學 即便想接受他本人的指導亦不可得
但是能在 好像似乎或許 有機會畢業之前 聽到一場他本人的簡報 也舉手提問 這樣或許也算是彌補自己心中小小的遺憾了

只是這張名片就彷彿是用我在JAIST的費用所換來的吧 所以說他是一張好貴的名片也不為過了 :]

回過頭來想 在日本這幾年感謝還校方還有提供一些獎學金的支持 使得整個學費的開銷控制在70萬日幣以內 三年內的總體費用應該沒有超過一百萬日幣 也算是減輕不少壓力 雖然有時候會覺得放棄Australia National Unviersity的offer有點可惜 但是想到老天的安排自有其用心與巧妙之處我自己也稍微釋懷了 

寫到這裡又想到 今年在北京見到了Jay Barney, Arie Lewin 還有好些原本只在paper上看過大名的人 也算是讓我在有點沉悶的生活裡 有些不同的經驗和體會了

p.s. JAIST= Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ; 日本 國立大學法人 北陸先端科學技術大學院大學

這應該是名稱最長的日本國立大學之一 了

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


最近一期的的Fortune 裡面的主題談到如何成為一個偉大(或著說成功)的人?

總結來說 就是有紀律的練習 (disciplined practices) 或許更白話的說法是 持之以恆的練習

從一點一滴的進步開始累積 :)

雖然 偉人天生這種說法 實在有點武斷 但是光靠著天賦所得來的成功 確也不是常人所能及的

當然 生活中太多大大小小的挫折 都會讓我們放棄想要持之以恆下的動力

不過 這樣的結果 至少告訴我們 有些問題或狀況 實在不是不能而是不為也而已

想想自己到底有哪些是事情 會願意持之以恆會去做的呢?
打字 亂上網 找資料 當垃圾桶 沒事給人出餿主意?

看來還真得想想 還有哪些事情 可以讓自己在持之以恆之後 覺得自己稍微偉大一點的了 :]
