Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Shared: EeePc 軟體負責人現身說明 EeePC 發展始末 (150480) - 癮科技 Cool3c

EeePc 軟體負責人現身說明 EeePC 發展始末 (150480) - 癮科技 Cool3c: 癮科科發佈EeePc 軟體負責人現身說明 EeePC 發展始末,留言21篇於2019-12-25 20:53,5973位看過(很熱門):編按:本站刊出誤「打誤撞的出身 史上第一台小筆電:Asus EPC 701」文章後,有華碩同仁出面說明EeePC發展緣由,現在又有原EeePC軟體負責人還原產品現場...#Linux,EeePC,華碩,EPC(150480)



See also

Monday, December 16, 2019

Shared: AI and Economic Productivity: Expect Evolution, Not Revolution

AI and Economic Productivity: Expect Evolution, Not Revolution: Despite the hype, artificial intelligence will take years to significantly boost economic productivity